Page 9 - WS The Wokingham Charters
P. 9

Us our Heires and Successors as Owner of the said Mannor And where also
                                      there  hath  bene  by  the  lyketyme  weekelye  holden  in  the  said  Towne  of

                                      Wokingham one Markett on the Tuesdaye and two faires yearly whereof one
               Fairs                  is holden yerelye upon the daye of S  Barnaby the Apostle and the other is
                                      holden upon the second day of November called Alsowles daye And where

                                      lykewise there is and hath been from tyme to tyme appoynted by the said
                                      Alderman  one  sufficiente  person  for  the  gatheringe  of  the  Toll  cleane

                                      keepinge  of  the  Markett  and  other  necessarye  matters  there  whiche  most
                                      commonlye is such one as hath deserved well of the Commonwealth and is
                                      fallen  into  decaye  whiche  person  hath  alwayes  had  the  keepinge  of  one

                                      house  in  the  Markett  place  of  the  said  Towne  called  the  Clockhouse  the
                                      benefit of which Toll and Clockhouse have bene alwayes employed by the

                                      Alderman in reparations of the said Clockhouse and in other necessarye uses
                                      of the said Towne And that the freeholders of the said Towne are and have
                                      bene suters alwayes to the said three weekes Court there to assiste the said

                                      Alderman  and  Steward  in  matters  appertayning  to  the  Towne  and  also
                                      accordinge to the Lawe to judge in matter of plea dependinge there in the
                                      said Courts And that the Bayliffs of the said Towne have alwayes levyed and

                                      gathered the profittes and perquysittes of the Courts there holden and have
                                      bene and are accomptable therfore to Us and to those whose estate Wee have
                                      in the same Towne And that the said Alderman for the tyme being hath used

                                      to be and hath bene reputed and taken to be Clerke of the Markett within the
                                      said  Towne  Now  Know  Ye  that  Wee  at  the  humble  petition  of  the

                                      Inhabitants of the said Towne myndinge Grace and favour to the said Towne
                                      and Inhabitants thereof and for the better orderinge and good governmente
                                      of the said Towne and for the betteringe of the said Towne and for divers

                                      other  good  and  resonable  causes  and  considerations  Us  in  this  behalfe
                                      specially  movinge  have  approved  allowed  ratyfyed  and  confirmed  and  by
                                      these  presents  do  approve allowe ratyfy  and  confyrme  unto the  Alderman

                                      men Inhabitants and Our tenants of the said Towne of Wokingham that that
                                      now be and hereafter for the tyme shall be all and singular the said libertyes
                                      priviledges  customes  jurisdictions  and  prehemynences  whatsoever  before

                                      expressed  and  mentioned  and  every  of  them  as  fully  amplye  and
                                      beneficiallye  and  in  suche  manner  and  forme  as  the  same  at  any  tyme

                                      heretofore have bene had used or enjoyed within the said Towne And Wee
                                      will and by these presents do declare that the said Alderman men inhabitants

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