Page 4 - Reading Mercury
P. 4

All the Characters to be perform’d by Persons
                                            Of the Town for their Amusement.
                                    Before the Play will be spoke, a New PROLOGUE.
                                    Written for the occasion----At the End of the Fourth
                                Act, (by particular Desire) MR. GARRICK’s PROLOGUE
                                  To BARBAROSSA will be spoke in the Character of a
                                  COUNTRY Boy---And the Whole to conclude with an
                   OCCASIONAL EPILOGUE
                   No Person to be admitted without a Ticket, which may be had at the Rose, Bush
                   , King’s Head and Roebuck Inns. And at the Printing-Office….BOX Three Shillings,
                   PIT Two Shillings, GALLERY One Shilling.—
                   The Performance to begin PRECISELY at SIX o’Clock; and no Person whatever will
                   be admitted behind the scenes.
                   N.B. Such Ladies and Gentlemen who intend honouring the Performance of the Night
                   with their Presence in the Box, are required to give early Notice, and Places shall be
                   reserved for them.

                   Mon 11  Feb
                   STOLEN or STRAYED, out of a Green called Pattin’s Ash Green, near the Town of
                   WOKINGHAM, Berks, a little BLACK PONY , about ten hands high, the Mark out
                   of his Mouth, a Hog mane, a cut Tail, crooked behind, and going in ambling pace
                   Also, a Dark-coloured GREY GELDING, near 14 hands high, coming five Years old,
                   with  a  large  Head,  a  short    dock’d  Tail,  and  spragg’d.  Any  Person  that  can  give
                   intelligence of the  above Horses,  or will bring them to  EPHRAIM  HOULTON, or
                   HENRY TRASH, of WOKINGHAM aforesaid, shall be paid all reasonable Charges,
                   and have a Reward to their Satisfaction.

                   WEREAS JOHN KEMP, Labourer has left his WIFE and FAMILY chargeable to the
                   Town of WOKINGHAM, Berks: Whoever will give intelligence of him to Messrs.
                   BECHER  and  TOGWELL,  OVERSEERS  of  the  Poor  of  the  said  Town,  shall  be
                   handsomely rewarded for their Trouble.
                      He is about 35 Years of Age; five Feet five Inches high;  strait light-brown Hair;
                   grey Eyes; well set. And goes ankle out at Knees.

                   TO be SOLD, Three HOUSES pleasantly situated in the Town of WOKINGHAM;
                   two  of  the  Houses  joining  together;  with  large  Gardens  to  each;  they  stand  on  a
                   pleasant Spot of Ground, dry and healthy, and have fine springs of Water. The said
                   Houses may be converted to several Purposes, for any Business, or very pleasant to
                   erect a House for a small Family; one of the said Houses in good Repair, the other in
                   indifferent.  As  they  stand  together,  they  may  advantageously  improved.  The  third
                   House is new built, with a Yard behind it walled in, fit for a small Family; containing
                   one Passage to the Staircase, one Kitchen 14 by 16, a Parlour ditto, and three Bed-
                   Chambers, with a good Well of Water.
                      Enquire of Mr. THOMAS ROUND , or of ANTHONY HADLAND, Ironmonger,
                   near the Church, WOKINGHAM. N.B. All the Premises are Freehold, and subject to
                   a very small Quit-Rent.

                   Mon 8  July
                   A SMALL FARM; consisting of a `Farm-House, Barn, Stable, and other convenient
                   Out-Houses, all in good repair; a Yard, Garden, Orchard, and about Twenty Acres of

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