Page 12 - Reading Mercury
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N.B. No Person need apply that has not been used to genteel Company, and has a
                   Capital to furnish the House in a handsome Manner.

                      Likewise  to  be  LETT  and  entered  upon  immediately,  furnished  or  unfurnished,
                   (enquire as above) RAMSLADE HOUSE, very pleasantly situated in the Middle of
                   the Stag Hunt, Windsor Forest, near Bracknell, Berks; consisting of four Rooms on a
                   floor, with  two Cellars, a Wine Vault, a good Kitchen, a Brewhouse, Wash-house,
                   Pantries,  Dairy,  and  all  Conveniences  fit  for  a  genteel  Family.  A  Double  Coach-
                   house,  and  Stall  Stabling,  for  nine  horses,  a  good  Garden,  three  Fish-ponds,  and
                   thirty-one Acres of good Meadow Land. The above Premises have a Right to a large
                   Extent of Common to feed Cattle, and cut Fuel for the Use of the House; is distant
                   from  London  26  miles,  half  a  mile  from  the  Turnpike  Road,  half  a  mile  from  the
                   Church,  two  from  Sunning-hill,  and  four  from  Wokingham.  Francis  Lavell,  at
                   Ramslade, will shew the Premises.
                                                                                WOKINGHAM, Berks
                   JOHN CHAPLIN, at the ROSE Inn, Wokingham, returns his grateful Thanks  to the
                   Nobility, Gentry, and Others, for the many Favours they have conferred on him, for
                   upwards  of  TWENTY  YEARS,  at  the  above  Inn:---As  his  Lease  will  Expire  at
                   Midsummer  next,  and  his  Landlord  not  chusing  to  grant  a  fresh  one,  without  an
                   advanced  Rent  and  other  incumbrances,  he  takes  the  earliest    Opportunity  of
                   informing them,
                   That he has purchased a HOUSE in Peak-street, a few Doors from his present INN,
                   Which  he  is  fitting  up  in  a  genteel  Manner  for  their  Accommodation,  and  humbly
                   hopes for a Continuance of their Favours.
                   Mon 6  April
                                                                                WOKINGHAM, Berks
                                                    JOSEPH BERRY
                                          WHOLESALE and RETAIL HATTER
                                                     From Coventry
                   Begs leave to acquaint the Public in general, that he has taken the house lately in the
                   Posession  of  Mr.  BRYANT  INSTOCK,  in  WOKINGHAM,  where  he  will  lay  n  a
                   compleat  assortment  of  Men’s  Fashionable  Hats,  likewise  Men’s  stout  Felt  ditto,
                   Castors, and Weatherproofs, together with Youths and Boys bound Hat, all entirely
                   fresh, and exceeding good, which will be sold upon the lowest Terms, and all Favours
                   gratefully acknowledged.
                      N.B. Hats cocked in the newest taste. Likewise well dyed, dressed, &c.

                                                                                WOKINGHAM, Berks
                                                  ELIZ CRUTTWELL
                                            BOOKSELLER and STATIONER
                                                In the MARKET-PLACE
                   SELLS Wholesale and Retale all Sorts of Books, on the lowest Terms, viz. Bibles,
                   Common Prayers, Testaments, Spelling Books, Psalters, School Books of all Sorts,
                   Little  Books  for  Children,  Books  in  Divinity,  History,  Voyages,  Travels,  &c.,
                   Stationery of all Kinds, viz. Writing Paper of all Sorts, gilt and plain, Pens and Quills,
                   red and black Ink. Dutch and English Sealing Wax, black and red; Accompte Books
                   of all  Sorts, and Alphabets; Copy Books, Pocket Books and Cases, Slates and Slate
                   Pencils, Middleton’s, Powell’s Composition, and other black lead Pencils &c &c.

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