Page 8 - WS The Wokingham Charters
P. 8

Wokingham                                Secunda Patentium de anno Regni
               Charter                                 Elizabethe Regine Vicesimo quinto

               De Con pro                                     __________________
               Ville de               ELIZABETH  by  the  Grace  of  God,  &c.  To  All  to  whom  &c.  Sendeth

               Wokingham              Greetinge.  Where  within  our  Town  of  Woking    alias  Wokingham  in  the
                                      Countye of Berkes parcell of our Mannor or Lordshyippe of Sonnynge in the

                                      same Countye by all the tyme whereof no memory of man is to the contrary
                                      there have bene had and enjoyed by Us and the Inhabitants thereof beinge
                                      our  good  and  faithfull  subjects  and  by  all  those  whose  estate  Wee  have

                                      within the said Towne of Wokinge alias Wokingham amongst other things
                                      certen  libertyes  priviledges  customes  jurisdictions  &  prehemynencies

                                      hereafter particularlye expressed and specified as Wee are credibly enformed
                                      (that is to say one Leete to be holden yerely about the feast of Easter and a
                                      Courte  Baron  from  three  weekes  to  three  weekes  to  be  holden  by  our

                                      Steward of our said Mannor of Sonnynge in the presence of the Alderman of
                                      the said Towne of Wokingham for the tyme being or his sufficiente deputye
                                      which  before  had  bene  Alderman  of  the  saide  Towne  of  Wokingham  at

                                      which Leete there hath been yerely chosen to exersise their several Offices
                                      for the yere nexte followinge the said Election one Alderman two Constables
                                      two  Bayliffs  and two  Aletasters  by  the  said  Steward  with  the  devyse  and

                                      assent  of  the  said  Alderman  out  of  certen  persons  to  them  named  by  the
                                      Jurye  there  for  the  tyme  which  Constables  Bailyffs  and  Aletasters  have

                                      alwayes bene under the correction onely of the said Alderman and that the
                                      said Alderman hath had the governmente orderyng and direction of the said
                                      Towne and of the Inhabitants thereof and of causes and matters happenyng

                                      within the said Towne and that the office of the said Bayliffs is and hath
                                      been  under  the  said  Alderman  to  see  to  all  manner  of  Vyttalynge  &
                                      Measures within the said Towne excepte the assistinge of drynke which is

                                      the Aletasters office to performe and for the better performance of the dutyes
                                      of  the  said  Bailyffs  and  Aletasters  in  their  offices  the  same  Baylyffs  and
                                      Aletasters are at every three weekes Court examyned by the said Alderman

                                      and Stewards touching their Offices And that they have holden plea in the
                                      said  Courts  of  all  actions  of  dette  trespasse  and  other  causes  whereof  the

                                      same  dette  or  damage  hath  bene  under  fortye  shillings  and  that  all
                                      amerciaments profitts and perquysittes of the said Courts do appertaine unto

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